User Research

Target UX Design

project type
User Research
project year


Target is one of the largest retail businesses and one of the largest grossing m-commerce in 2021. While its interface is proactive, its usability can always be improved. This redesign is specific to the Wallet tool of the Target Circle application. As digital wallets continue to grow in use, so can its simplicity to allow for a seamless shopping experience.

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I. Introduction


In January 2021, upon reports of overall record-breaking sales and growth across stores, our team was responsible for gathering certain KPIs, reportingdata across store productivity and mCommerce efficiency, and organizing new ways in which our team could increase overall customer experience in:

·        Satisfaction

·        Loyalty (mobile/Redcard use)

·        Seamless shopping experience



Around the end of Q4 after the holiday season, we started to prioritize efficiency, productivity, and pull data that we felt was important to work process, culture, and work-order reporting! This time is often designated for quarter and annual reporting given overall volume changes and looking at new ways we can reshape innovation and increase customer experience going into Q1 (March).


Getting started

Right away we noticed store trends of opportunity centered around loyalty and instore app use. This process was found using third party cloud-based software reporting in loyalty scores correlated with sales and net promotion(satisfaction). So we decided to make sure this information reached the correct teams for improvement and research focus area and solutions for loyalty.

II. Process

Focus Area

How might we optimize in-store transactions, wallet management, and enhance discovery experience? While Target has a very diverse audience, its app users share a commonality: loyalty and savings. Focusing on these areas of the app creates repeated use and the idea of utility while shopping!



Upon examination we needed to pull to right amount and correct type of data to report on the matter of and research user trends while completing in-store transactions. We turned to:

·        conduct user interviews

·        customer feedback

·        assess team member interaction with guests to get a well-rounded understanding of current issues centered around in store APP use.


Pulling Data

Our metric reporting showed low loyalty percentage for in-store shopping (ie. shoppers not using device to scan rewards, transactions, log-receipts) as well as in person reports of faulty interaction with Wallet tool of the Target App. (misuse, force-quit, loyalty abandonment, etc.)While information is very integrative for teams, our role, as any store, being able to bridge the gap between in-store customer experience and app development and design.

III. Role

My Role

Recognize problem, and identify controllable solutions, research competitors, gain insight on user experience (user flows, customer interviews, KPIs).


My Process

My role, not only as leader, but to lead by example in creating learning opportunities along the way to bring the best out of the team while gaining useful insight.


My Approach

Gaining insight on in-store shopping experience and loyalty, then researching user interviews, metrics, and journey mapping into how can increase usability of wallet barcode and zero-contact transactions. While doing so, creating a mockup design and UI to visualize actionable insights found in promoting usability.

·        Figma software

·        Interaction to one-click barcode

·        User-flow in wallet tool

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IV. Overview

1. Performance Expectancy is the level of individual confidence that through the system usage can help him obtain performance gains in his activities (Venkatesh et al., 2003).

2. Effort Expectancy is defined as the ease of use of a system that can reduce effort and time effort in activities (Venkatesh et al., 2003).


Many users state that while the app is very useful and can be accessed with practice, the learning curve can be difficult and accessing tools in the Wallet section can be confusing and sometimes complex for certain users. By making the wallet section more open, adequate use of icons, and an easy-access personal barcode, the app instantly becomes more accessible for a wider range of users.



Being able to deliver not only newfound ways to innovate user experience, but advocate for the user for a more seamless shopping experience across the US is something of not only insights, but empathy toward our valued guest.



Every decision is a trade-off. In my own push to create a clean optimized interface I was forced to remove Discount Ads that run across the header as advertisement for on-sale items. This creates consequences for business initiative, however further actions could be taken to showcase this through the Discover tab.


During my own research process, I took the initiative to get the successful interfaces from other digital wallets that focus on such interfaces such as banking, e-commerce, etc. In their own use, they safe kept the wallet tool for only wallet uses and not advertisement, creating clear usability for the user